Међународни пројекти

FA0807: Integrated Management of Phytoplasma Epidemics in Different Crop Systems

  Ministarstvo nauke Republike Srbije
Project type COST Action FA0807
Duration 2009-2014.
Project Coordinator Prof. Assunta Bertaccini
Participants Bojan Duduk, Jelena Mitrović
Project Manager Dr Bojan Duduk
Number of Researches 364 individual members from 44 countries
Aim and Scop The main objective of this Action was the enhancement and exchange of scientific knowledge and technologies related to phytoplasma diseases, through the establishment of a multidisciplinary scientific European Network, aimed at developing strategies to detect and prevent biological invasion, and the spread of phytoplasma diseases of plants.
Selected Publications Alvarez E., J.F. Mejía, G.A. Llano, J.B. Loke, A. Calari, B. Duduk, A. Bertaccini. 2009. Detection and molecular characterization of a phytoplasma associated with frogskin disease in Cassava. Plant disease 93(11), 1139-1145.

Bertaccini A., B. Duduk. 2009. Phytoplasma and phytoplasma diseases: a review of recent research. Phytopathologia mediterranea, 48, 355–378.

Bertaccini A., S. Paltrinieri, B. Duduk. 2009. Il primo convegno internazionale sulle malattie da fitoplasmi. Rivista di frutticoltura e di ortofloricoltura, 71(3), 38-40.

Duduk B., A. Calari, S. Paltrinieri, N. Duduk, A. Bertaccini. 2009. Multi-gene analysis for differentiation of aster yellows phytoplasmas infecting carrots in Serbia. Annals of Applied Biology, 154(2), 219-229.

Chaturvedi Y., Rao G.P., Tiwari A.K., Duduk B., Bertaccini A. 2010. Phytoplasma on ornamentals: detection, diversity and management. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 45(1), 31‐69.

Duduk B., Tian J.B., Contaldo N., Fan X.P., Paltrinieri S., Chen Q.F., Zhao Q.F., Bertaccini A. 2010. Occurrence of phytoplasmas related to Stolbur and to ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma japonicum’ in woody host plants in China. Journal of Phytopathology, 158(2), 100‐104.

Bertaccini A., Duduk B. 2011. Taxonomy of phytoplasmas associated with emerging diseases. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 1(2): 59‐63.

Duduk B., Bertaccini A. 2011. Phytoplasma classification: taxonomy based on 16S ribosomal gene, is it enough? Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 1(1): 1‐13.

Mitrović J., Contaldo N., Paltrinieri S., Mejia J.F., Mori N., Bertaccini A., Duduk B. 2011. The use of groEL gene for characterisation of aster yellows phytoplasmas in field collected samples. Bulletin of Insectology 64 Supplement: S17‐S18.

Mitrović J., Duduk B. 2011. Occurrence of a new stolbur strain in tobacco in Serbia. Bulletin of Insectology 64 Supplement: S107‐S108.

Mitrović J., Kakizawa S., Duduk B., Oshima K., Namba S., Bertaccini A. 2011. The groEL gene as an additional marker for finer differentiation of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’‐related strains. Annals of Applied Biology 159: 41‐48.

Kube M., Mitrovic J., Duduk B., Rabus R., Seemüller E. 2012. Current view on phytoplasma genomes and encoded metabolism. Scientific World Journal Article ID 185942, 25 pages.

Martini M., Marcone C., Mitrović J., Maixner M., Delić D., Myrta A., Ermacora P., Bertaccini A., Duduk B. 2012. 'Candidatus Phytoplasma convolvuli', a new phytoplasmas taxon associated with bindweed yellows in four European countries. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62(12): 2910‐2915.


Kada bismo posmatrali pravu prirodu stvari,
svako zeleno drvo je daleko vrednije kao takvo, nego da je napravljeno od zlata i srebra.
Martin Luther

Nema stvari koja bi bila tako vredna poučavanja kao priroda.
Nikola Tesla