Head of Laboratory of Applied Entomology
Dejan Marčić, PhD 
Petar Klјajić, PhD 
Goran Andrić, PhD 
Marijana Pražić-Golić, PhD
Irena Međo, PhD 
Tanja Drobnjaković, PhD 
Ivana Marić, B.Ag. 
Mirjana Prijović, B.Ag.
Ivana Jovičić, PhD
Research field
- Research of the biology and ecology of phytophagous insect and mite species and their predators and parasitoids
- Research of insect and mite resistance to insecticides and acaricides
- Research of the effects of biopesticides and other naturally-occurring products to insects and mites
- Research of insecticide and acaricide effects on biological parameters of insects and mites and their population growth
- Research of potentials for integrating chemical, biological and other methods of protection of plants and plant products from insect and mite pests
ТR31043: Research of plant pathogens, arthropods, weeds and pesticides with a focus on developing biorational methods for plant protection and production of safe food (Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development)
III46008: Development of integrated systems of pest management in plant production with a focus on overcoming the resistance problem and improving food quality and safety (Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development)
- Testing of biological efficacy of insecticides and acaricides in controlling insect and mite pests for registration and product development purposes
- Phytosanitary certification of crops and plant products for insect and mite infestations
- Monitoring of population dynamic of insects and mites for forcasting purposes
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