Jelena Mitrović


Jelena Stepanović, PhD – Research Associate


Education  2007 – BSc in Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
 2013 – PhD in Biological Science, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Research ranks  2008 – Research Trainee
 2012 – Research Assistant
 2014 – Research Associate
Employment  2008 – Grant-holder of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia participating in a project of the Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection
 2012 – Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade
Research field  Life sciences – Agriculture – Plant protection: phytopathology
Selected articles 1. Miladinov Genov N., Mitrovic J., Genov M., Duduk B. (2014): First Report of Corn Reddening, caused by 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani', in Bulgaria. Plant Disease, Doi: 10.1094/PDIS-12-13-1220-PDN.

2. Kube M., Siewert C., Migdoll A. M., Duduk B., Holz S., Rabus R., Seemüller E., Mitrovic J., Müller I., Büttner C., Reinhardt R. (2014): Analysis of the Complete Genomes of Acholeplasma brassicae, A. palmae and A. laidlawii and Their Comparison to the Obligate Parasites from ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24, 19–36.

3. Mitrovic J., Siewert C., Duduk B., Hecht J., Mölling K., Broecker F., Beyerlein P., Büttner C., Bertaccini A., Kube M. (2014): Generation and Analysis of Draft Sequences of ‘Stolbur’ Phytoplasma from Multiple Displacement Amplification Templates. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24, 1–11.

4. Mori N., Mitrović J., Smiljković M., Duduk N., Paltrinieri S., Bertaccini A., Duduk B. (2013): Hyalesthes obsoletus in Serbia and its role in the epidemiology of corn reddening. Bulletin of Insectology, 66 (2), 245-250.

5. Mitrović J., Pavlović S., Duduk B. (2013): Survey and Multigene Characterization of Stolbur Phytoplasmas on Various Plant Species in Serbia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 52 (3), 434−441.

6. Milijašević-Marčić S., Todorović B., Potočnik I., Rekanović E., Stepanović M., Mitrović J., Duduk B. (2013): Ralstonia solanacearum – a New Threat to Potato Production in Serbia. Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 28 (4), 229-237.

7. Duduk B., Arocha J., Mitrović J., Benabid R., Scott S., Michelutti R., Bertaccini A. (2013): Molecular characterization of ´Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris´ infecting hydrangea in Canada. Proceedings of the VI Italian Meeting on Phytoplasmas and Phytoplasma Diseases, Bologna, Italy, Petria, 23 (1), 139-142.

8. Martini M., Marcone C., Mitrović J., Maixner M., Delić D., Myrta A., Ermacora P., Bertaccini A., Duduk B. (2012): ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma convolvuli’, a new phytoplasma taxon associated with bindweed yellows in four European countries. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 62 (12), 2910-2915.

9. Kube M., Mitrovic J., Duduk B., Rabus R., Seemüller E. (2012): Current View on Phytoplasma Genomes and encoded Metabolism. Scientific World Journal, 2012:185942.

10. Contaldo N., Mitrović J., Paltrinieri S., Duduk B., Bertaccini A. (2012): Phytoplasmas associated with apricot chlorotic leafroll disease. Proceedings of the 22nd “International Conference on Virus and Other Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops”, Petria, 22 (3), 443-447.

11. Mitrović J., Kakizawa S., Duduk B., Oshima K., Namba S., Bertaccini A. (2011): The groEL gene as an additional marker for finer differentiation of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ – related strains. Annals of Applied Biology, 159, 41-48.

12. Drobnjaković T., Perić P., Marčić D., Picciau L., Alma A., Mitrović J., Duduk B., Bertaccini A. (2010): Leafhoppers and Cixiids in Phytoplasma-infected Carrot Fields: Species Composition and Potential Phytoplasma Vectors. Pesticides and Phytomedicine, 25 (4), 311-318.


Kada bismo posmatrali pravu prirodu stvari,
svako zeleno drvo je daleko vrednije kao takvo, nego da je napravljeno od zlata i srebra.
Martin Luther

Nema stvari koja bi bila tako vredna poučavanja kao priroda.
Nikola Tesla